The link has expired, and I'm not taking any more submissions.
Winners will be announced on March 20th!
Winners will be announced on March 20th!
Later than I'd planned it (as usual, I'm hopeless with deadlines unless I have someone breathing down my neck) here is my Creative Team Competition!

The text reads:
Would you like to be a part of my CT? Or maybe just a guest spot?
Here’s what you have to do:
- Download Somewhere Else: the mini kit @
- Links will only be available until Monday, March 10th, so hurry!
- Create a layout using primarily Somewhere Else: the mini kit
- E-mail your layout (or a link to it) to me at jesters (dot) tear (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk no later than March 15th, tell me a little about yourself, what other CTs (if any) you are on and send me a link to your most complete gallery. Let me know if you’re applying for a permanent or a guest position.
I’ll be announcing the winners on the blog, @ DST and @ Scraphead on March 20th.
All candidates will receive a response!
- 2 Layouts per kit
- Post your LOs to the galleries at DST, Scraphead and two others
- Wear my CT blinkie
- Join our CT forum
- Help promote my products when appropriate
- A healthy dose of insanity!
This is Somewhere Else, the mini kit you'll be using for the competition:

38 scraps:
Whoohoo, I think I'm first! Can't wait to check it all out and play:) Thanks!
Thanks honey, gorgeous! Def gonna have fun playing with this :)
Love it! Thanks a bunch!!!
How fun! I LOVE this kit, it's really awesome! Thanks so much for sharing, it's gonna be a blast to play!!
WOW! Another gorgeous kit! TFS and I can't wait to submit my LO! nice.....Thank you !!!
Here is my page, it was fun to play with!
Good luck for everyone who applies!
Very nice, thanks so much =)
So gorgeous ...... Thanks a lot for sharing your work
Misty from Belgium
This is gorgeous!!!! Thank you!
TY so ever much!!!!!!!
Thank you sooo much for this"mini" LOL Not..Kit, it is just beautiful! I guess I should get some of my layouts into a gallery..I would love to get "into" the scrap wrld but I have been so hesitant and not sure why..maybe thinking people will think my work is garbage but really.. U cant please everyone right! I think I may just give this a crack and whirl! Thank you again for your generosity! Very Nice...Huggs Lori
Thank you for sharing your talent
Thanks, this is marvelous and so beautiful. You are sweet for sharing this kit!
Awesome kit!! Thanks so very much for sharing!! :o)
Beautiful kit, thank you very much!
Wonderful! I can't wait to submit my layout :)
Thanks for your generous efforts and fantastic designs.
this is such abeautiful kit, thank you very much, I hope I will finish my layout in time
What a beautiful Kit! thanks!!
I love your kit. Thanks so much
thanks a lot
I love this kit.
Beautiful kit - thanks!
So pretty, and love your work! Thanks so much
amazing!!! thank you!!!
Such a great mini kit. I really hope I can get something done in time.
Eek!!! I've been waiting for this & waiting & waiting & almost missed it lol. I have some yummy chocolate for you hehe it's Easter time here & they're bringing out all those solid chocolate bunnies hehe Yeah I know I will shamelessly bribe to get what I want lol. Thanks hun off to create something with your gorgeous kit.
gorgeous, thanks so much
This is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!!
your kit is great, thanks!
wow, again you never cease to amaze me with your kits, so fantastic! love it. now I have to think about the layout... wanna give this a try :)
I have posted my LO at my blog More of Me and Kids. And at My Digishoptalk Gallery.
Beautiful ♥ Thanks a lot !
Goodluck with going through the entries :)
Hey Monica are you getting emails from me? I'm checking cuz I sent in my layout & wanted to make sure it actually left my mailbox but I cant find the sent email. Thanks Shell
Yeah yeah its me again lol. Here's my layout just in case you didnt get my email.
here's mine...
Did I miss the CT announcement? Or did the Easter collab and "deadline phobia" hit? LOL
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